Endangered means there is still time.

We are the Miami River Streamkepers Society

Mission Statement

The beautification and enhancement of the Miami River would be an asset and a benefit to the Village of Harrison Hot Springs. The Miami River’s revitalization program would become an example on how to properly manage an ecosystem for the well being of the wildlife and plant life that exists within its waterways and riparian areas as well as the surrounding woodlands throughout the Village.

Vision Statement

To restore the Miami River through an ongoing revitalization program.


1. Bank and riparian area restoration and maintenance to stabilize the banks and to improve fish habitat quarterly monitoring of river water quality
2. Protection of red-listed flora and fauna within the river’s riparian area
3. Reduction and control over pollutants and effluents entering river system
4. Promotion of community and visitor awareness of invasive species, native plants and living responsibly near riparian areas
5. Education of local residents and visitors on the biodiversity of the Miami River Watershed

Get involved

Rescue & Restore

Mondays, weather permitting,  at 10 AM in winter but earlier in summer depending on the weather.  Click for more information on  walk and weed events.

Water Quality

Check out data from 2010 to date on water quality

Follow us on Facebook

Miami River Streamkeepers Society Facebook

Native Plant List

Common Native Plants to Restore Riparian Areas – Trees, Shrubs, Ground cover and Aquatic plants.

Invasive Plant List

Look out for invasive plants on this list

Shaw TV Story

Check out Shaw TV’s “Go Fraser Valley” story on the Miami Streamkeepers Society.

Help out at our next event

See our upcoming events to get involved.

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    Interactive Map

    The vision of Miami River Streamkeepers Society is to restore the Miami River through an ongoing revitalization program.

    Pacific Salmon Foundation

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    © 2025 Miami River Streamkeepers Society

    Website services donated by Tom Balakshin
